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How to Reach

By car

it takes about 45 minutes from the Mexico City, city center if you use the toll highway. It takes much longer, but more interesting, if you use the old free road. There is a small fee for parking at the site. A taxi may be prohibitively expensive, though sometimes "tours" with a car and driver/guide can be arranged for a reasonable fee if you want the convenience.

By bus

Buses to Teotihuacan leave from Mexico City about every half hour from two locations: Terminal Autobuses del Norte (outside Autobuses del Norte Metro station, Line 5) or from outside the Portero Metro station (Line 3). A one-way ticket will cost $35 pesos.From Terminal del Norte, walk towards Gate 8. There is a ticket booth almost at the end of the concourse. Check that your bus goes to the site entrance of Teotihuacán ruinas and not just to the town of San Juan Teotihuacán nearby. From Portero, exit the station and look for white buses that go to Piramides they mean the pyramids of Teotihuacan.The trip will take around an hour, and the buses run until about 6pm check the last departure before you leave.You will be dropped off and picked up at Puerta 2 (Closest to the Pyramid of the Sun).

Key places to visit
Pyramid of the Moon, Pyramid of the Sun, Temple of the Feathered Serpent, Museo Teotihuacan


Places to Visit

Pyramid of the Moon

The Pyramid of the Moon is the second largest pyramid in Teotihuacan after the Pyramid of the Sun. It is located in the northern part of Teotihuacan and mimics the contours of the mountain Cerro Gordo, just north of the site. Some have called it Tenan, which in Nahuatl, means "mother or protective stone." The Pyramid of the Moon covers a structure older than the Pyramid of the Sun which existed prior to 200 AD.The Pyramid's construction between 200 and 450 AD completed the bilateral symmetry of the temple complex. A slope in front of the staircase gives access to the Avenue of the Dead, a platform atop the pyramid was used to conduct ceremonies in honor of the Great Goddess of Teotihuacan, the goddess of water, fertility, the earth, and even creation itself. This platform and the sculpture found at the pyramid's bottom are thus dedicated to The Great Goddess.

Pyramid of the Sun

The Pyramid of the Sun is the largest building in Teotihuacán and one of the largest in Mesoamerica. Found along the Avenue of the Dead, in between the Pyramid of the Moon and the Ciudadela, and in the shadow of the massive mountain Cerro Gordo, the pyramid is part of a large complex in the heart of the city.The name Pyramid of the Sun comes from the Aztecs, who visited the city of Teotihuacán centuries after it was abandoned; the name given to the pyramid by the Teotihuacanos is unknown. It was constructed in two phases. The first construction stage, around 100 A.D., brought the pyramid to nearly the size it is today. The second round of construction resulted in its completed size of 738 feet (225 meters) across and 246 feet (75 meters) high, making it the third largest pyramid in the world, being slightly smaller than Great Pyramid of Giza (230 meters), but much smaller than the Great Pyramid of Cholula (450 meters). The second phase also saw the construction of an altar atop of the pyramid, which has not survived into modern times. The Adosada platform was added to the pyramid in the early third century, at around the same time that the Ciudadela and Temple of the Feathered Serpent, Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent were constructed.

Temple of the Feathered Serpent

The Temple of the Feathered Serpent is the modern-day name for the third largest pyramid at Teotihuacan, a pre-Columbian site in central Mexico. This structure is particularly notable due to the 200 or more sacrificial victims found buried beneath the structure. The burials, like the structure, are dated to some time between 150 and 200 CE.The pyramid takes its name from representations of the Mesoamerican "feathered serpent" deity which covered its sides. These are some of the earliest-known representations of the feathered serpent, often identified with the much-later Aztec god Quetzalcoatl.The structure is also known as the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, and the Feathered Serpent Pyramid.

Museo Teotihuacan

The museum at the park with outstanding displays and a miniture recreation of the entire site. Well worth the visit.There are also some smaller structures surrounding the complex, no more than four or five meters in height. A drive around the perimeter, on the road along the park will provide many surprises and is worth the trip. Hitching a ride or even paying a few peso's for a ride will be worth the effort.There are also many interesting constructions along the Avenue of the Dead which runs along the middle of the site, so don't just walk from one temple to the other. On the left side of the plaza in front of the Temple of the Moon are several areas including the Palace of the Jaguars which house many wall paintings, sculptures, and underground rooms.

Right Time to Visit

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